ABM-30 | Auto Feed Trackless Beveller


Introducing The ABM-30 portable beveling machine performs auto feed beveling on steel plates on top, face and bottom edges.

Notable Features:

  1.  Needs no track to travel in both directions with feed speed up to 2 m/min
  2. 4 wheels feed drive eliminates hard physical work of the operator
  3. Produces double-side bevels without having to flip the plate enhancing safety and reducing material handling time and expense
  4. Edge to Edge working range
  5. Semi-automatic feed stop at end of the metal sheet
  6. Variable spindle speed
  7. Bevel width up to 30 mm (1-3/16”)
  8. Variable angle (-70°+70)°
  9. Max. plate thickness up to 60 mm
  10. Innovative, robust chip protection solution




Spindle Rotational Speed (Without Load)

1~ 200-240




Product Specification

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Additional information

Weight 12.5 kg